Although conventional endodontics accounts for the majority of typical endontic practice, the rise of the operating microscope (OM) has brought elements to endontic surgery that were previously lacking–magnification, illumination, and visualization–and, along with new biomaterials, an increased range of solutions where the clinician can predictably preserve the tooth. Based in Leòn, Spain, Merino has some 15 years of experience in endodontic microsurgery and has lectured extensively in his country and internationally on the topic. His text provides both the general dentist and the specialist with in-depth, step-by-step information on the latest technology, strategies, biomaterials and instruments for microsurgical endodontic and immediate transplantology. All procedures are well described, with clear graphics and high-quality clinical illustrations. Oversize: 8.5×11.25″.
Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland,
The key factors to successful endodontic surgery—vision and precision—are now readily attainable, thanks to the advent of the operating microscope. As always, however, the success or failure of treatment ultimately depends on the skill and knowledge of the clinician. Drawing on more than 15 years of experience, the author of this step-by-step approach to endodontic microsurgery patiently guides the reader through each phase of treatment: anesthesia, flap design and execution, osteotomy window creation, curettage, hemostasis, apicoectomy, ultrasonic retrocavity preparation, drying, obturation, and suturing. He also offers an in-depth explanation of the features, parts, and accessories of the operating microscope for effective use in the dental office, along with discussions of presurgical and postsurgical considerations, periodontal regeneration techniques, endo-perio relationships, and placement of immediate implants when the tooth cannot be saved. An excellent resource for endodontic specialists in search of a comprehensive and contemporary guide to effective microsurgical endodontic treatment.
Book Endodontic Microsurgery is available to download free in pdf format.
- Name of Book:Â Endodontic Microsurgery
- Format:Â pdf
- Categories:Â Endodontics, Surgery
- Writer(s):Â Enrique Merino
- Publisher:Â Quintessence Publishing Company
- File Size:Â 37mb